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Hazrat Noah's Ark Story

   Hazrat Noah's Ark Story

Hazrat Noah, also known as Noah in the Bible, is a prophet in Islam and Christianity who is best known for building an ark to save himself and his family, as well as a pair of every kind of animal, from a worldwide flood.

According to the Islamic and Christian traditions, God saw that the earth had become corrupt and filled with violence, so He decided to destroy it and start anew. He chose Noah, a righteous man, to build an ark and gather two of every kind of animal, as well as his family, to be saved from the flood.

Noah worked on the ark for many years, and as the flood approached, he and his family, along with the animals, boarded the ark. The flood waters rose and drowned all the corrupt people and animals on earth. The ark came to rest on the top of a mountain, and the waters receded.

After the flood, God made a covenant with Noah, promising never to destroy the earth again with a flood. Noah and his family disembarked from the ark and repopulated the earth.

The story of Hazrat Noah and the ark is a reminder of the power of God and the importance of righteousness. It also serves as a warning that if people do not change their ways and turn to God, they will face severe consequences.

The story of Hazrat Noah's Ark is also significant in Islamic tradition as it is mentioned in the Quran multiple times. In the Quran, Hazrat Noah is described as a prophet who was sent by God to guide the people of his time towards righteousness and away from their wicked ways. He is also described as being a patient and dedicated man who preached to his people for 950 years before the flood came. Despite their lack of belief and ridicule, he continued to warn them of the impending disaster.

The ark itself is also described in the Quran, with the details of its construction, size, and function. It is said to have been built of gopher wood and covered with pitch, with a door and window for ventilation. The ark was also large enough to accommodate not only Noah and his family but also a pair of every kind of animal, including birds and insects.

In Islamic tradition, Hazrat Noah is also considered to be the father of all prophets, as he is believed to have passed on the message of God to his descendants. Additionally, he is also considered to be a symbol of salvation and protection from the wrath of God.

In the Islamic and Christian traditions, the story of Hazrat Noah's Ark is seen as a reminder of the importance of righteousness, obedience to God, and the consequences of disobedience. It serves as a warning to all people to turn away from their wicked ways and turn towards God, so that they may be saved from the wrath of God.

In conclusion, the story of Hazrat Noah and the ark is a significant story in both Islamic and Christian traditions, not only as a reminder of the power of God and the importance of righteousness, but also as a warning of the consequences of disobedience. The story has been passed down through generations, and continues to be studied and reflected upon by people of both religions.

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